  • Veritas Chair Doctor Glue 4 fl oz

Veritas Chair Doctor Glue 4 fl oz

Stock Code:
$49.00 inc GST


If a chair has a loose rung; an injection of Chair Doctor glue will first swell the rung and then bond it in position. The secret is the glue's low viscosity. It will soak into the end grain of the wood; swell it and then freeze the wood in the swollen state as it cures. A film of dry glue is left on the walls of the wood cells; preventing contraction.

The Chair Doctor Pro kit includes 4 fluid oz of glue; a syringe and 3 sizes of blunt-tip needles. Alternatively; Chair Doctor is also available in a 2 fluid oz size with an integral blunt-tip needle if you require less glue.

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