  • Veritas Mitre Saddle

Veritas Mitre Saddle

Stock Code:
$54.00 inc GST


Veritas Code 05N56.15

When working on small items such as picture frames; a large combination square or try square can often be cumbersome. Not so with Veritas' miter saddle. Its relatively small size makes it easy to use. Despite its size; it still has a large reference face (89mm at the wide end) set at 45 degrees. The leg measures 25mm wide by 57mm long. As with Veritas' saddle squares; the sides are machined so that a line can be easily and accurately transferred around workpiece corners. With the miter saddle; however; a right-angle line on one surface is transferred as a 45 degrees angle on the adjoining surface; or vice versa. This way; a line for a miter cut can be wrapped around all surfaces precisely and will meet perfectly at the corners. The inside corner is relieved to ensure perfect registration; even on saw whiskers.

Made from anodized aluminium; this marker is light and durable; and will never mark your work.

Made in Canada.

  • Auckland 
    Limited Stock
  • Christchurch 
    Limited Stock