Block Plane Sack 7-1/2in
Veritas code 05P61.07
Made from a silicone-treated knit cotton that resists moisture; these socks are ideal for plane storage. Designed much like a tube sock with a drawstring enclosure; they keep dust and dirt off planes and help deter rust. A tag on the outside of the sock lets you label the contents. Four sizes are available:
05P61-07 - Suits block; apron; chisel; bullnose and medium shoulder planes. 190mm long.
05P61-12 - Suits smoothing; scrub; large shoulder; scraping and router planes. 317mm long.
05P61-16 - Suits medium to large bench planes including #5; 5-1/4 and low angle jack planes. 406mm long.
05P61-25 - Suits large bench planes including #6; #7; and #8 as well as large fore planes and bevel up jointer planes. 635mm long.
AucklandLimited Stock
ChristchurchLimited Stock