  • PREP Wood Filler - Hardwood - 250g

PREP Wood Filler - Hardwood - 250g

Stock Code:
$20.00 inc GST


PREP have created a quality Water-Based Interior Wood Filler, suited to all timber types and man-made timber by-products. This wood-filler has all the qualities you need in a filler!

It is non-toxic, dries quickly, sets hard enough to be sanded, scraped, screwed or nailed and takes stain or paint evenly! Available in a variety of natural wood tones from blonde, through reds and browns to black, they can also be mixed to provide endless varying shades according to the material you are working with, or the look you aiming for.

Perfect for filling cracks and holes, or repairing gouges or chips.

Available in 250g tubs in the following colours:

* Cedar (PREP-WF-CED250)
* Ebony (PREP-WF-EBO250)
* Hardwood (PREP-WF-HAR250)
* Jarrah (PREP-WF-JAR250)
* Maple (PREP-WF-MAP250)
* Natural (PREP-WF-NAT250)
* Pine (PREP-WF-PIN250)
* Walnut (PREP-WF-WAL250)

  • Auckland 
  • Christchurch 