  • Nakaya Kugihiki Flush Cut
  • Nakaya Kugihiki Flush Cut
  • Nakaya Kugihiki Flush Cut
  • Nakaya Kugihiki Flush Cut
  • Nakaya Kugihiki Flush Cut

Nakaya Kugihiki Flush Cut

Stock Code:
$99.00 inc GST


Nakaya is one of the most prominent saw makers in Japan.

Kugihiki or "wooden nail cutter" is used for flush cutting wooden pegs or dowels preciseley.

This premium offering from Nakaya features an ultra thin 0.2mm blade stock in combination with no rigid spine. This allows the blade to flex and cut flush to your workpiece with ease.

The razor sharp Japanese style faceted teeth cut extremely efficiently on the pull stroke with little effort and feature nearly no set - thus meaning trimming of dowels or through tenons etc will leave a near marr-free finish on your surrounding workpiece.

Blades are 180mm in length and fully replaceable, set in a traditional rattan wrapped timber handle.

Capable of cutting a dovetail in 3/4" hardwood with as few as eight strokes. It is also one of the finest cutting, leaving a kerf of just 0.3mm .

Suitable for dovetail, tenon and trim cuts across or with the grain.

Well balanced for excellent control, this is a superb saw for fine work.

Made in Japan of premium Swedish Steel.

Brand Nakaya
Blade Length 180mm
Blade Width 0.2mm
Teeth per inch 30tpi
Bade Kerf 0.3mm

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