  • Wixey Drill Press Height Gauge
  • Wixey Drill Press Height Gauge

Wixey Drill Press Height Gauge

Stock Code:
$129.00 inc GST


The Wixey WR503 Drill Press Depth Gauge mounts to almost any conventional drill press. It can be attached to the existing depth stop rod or directly to the collar on the quill.

This device allows the user to quickly set the readout to read 0.00 where the drill bit first contacts the work piece and then measures the hole depth as the drill is lowered.

Easy to Use
1. Touch the bit to the work piece
2. Set the display to 0.000

Thin and precise easy to adjust cross-hairs
Fits drill presses with quill travel up to 6.5"
Accurately measures drilling depth
Mounts to any drill press
Quick and easy to use
Displays in inches with fractions or millimeters

Download manual to see how it is installed.

Measuring Depth: 6.5 in. (165mm )
Resolution: Decimal = .002 in.
Fraction = 1/32 in.
Metric = .05 mm
Accuracy: Decimal = +/- .004 in.
Fraction = +/- 1/250 in.
Metric = +/- .10 mm
Battery: 6 months life; type CR2032
Functions: - IN /MM
- Auto shut off

  • Auckland 
  • Christchurch 
    Limited Stock